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The Indian dogs that are dying out because everyone wants a Foreign Breed Dogs

India-dog-breedsDog days.
It’s easy to identify what a German Shepherd, Labrador, and Saint Bernard have in common: they’re furry, adorable canine companions with massive fan bases all over the world. But what about the Chippiparai, Jonangi, and Kombai?
Even ardent animal lovers might stumble a bit here, but these too are dog breeds which have another thing in commonthey’re all Indian. Skilled, sturdy, and well adapted to the country’s tropical climate, these dogs are great workers and excellent companions. Unfortunately, the other characteristic Indian breeds share is that they’re disappearing.
Almost half the known breeds have ceased to exist, while several others are at the risk of dying out. In their rapid decline is a story of years of ignorance and neglect, a telling tale of the status of dogs in a country that’s never quite grown to accept them. Over the last few decades, while foreign breeds have caught the fancy of animal lovers across the country, Indian dogs continue to be shunned.
Naturalist, conservationist, and animal lover S Theodore Baskaran’s The Book of Indian Dogs is the most comprehensive compilation of the country’s indigenous canine breeds in the last half-century. In it, Baskaran traces the history of dogs in the country, their contemporary status and, most crucially, lists the known Indian dog breeds. Baskaran also narrates a chance encounter with an Indian hound dog that got him interested in studying indigenous breeds.
At a railway station in Tamil Nadu in 1968, the author noticed a man accompanied by two “exquisite white dogs” waiting for a train. The dogs were Rajapalayams, which Baskaran describes as one of the most valued south Indian dogs. Their coats were lined with scars, which the owner claimed they suffered during encounters with wild boars.
Baskaran was sceptical, and the owner sensed this. So, he clicked his tongue twice. “The dogs were electrified into action,” Baskaran writes. “They were on their feet in a flash and stood pulsating with anticipation for the next command.” Fascinated, Baskaran asked the man to get a Rajapalayam pup for him. Five months later, the man turned up at his door, a white pup with a distinctive pink nose in hand.

Historical neglect

In ancient times, Indian dogs were prized across the world and exported in large numbers for their hunting prowesstravelling as far and wide as Rome, Egypt, and Babylonbut they were shunned at home. The international demand for Indian dogs, and the fact that their gene pool stayed relatively undiluted till about three centuries ago, kept these breeds going. Baskaran tells us that in the 18th century, a Frenchman travelling across India identified 50 distinct dog breeds, including one called the Lut, which was often a fascinating shade of blue.
The Lut is just one of several dog breeds that have not been seen in living memory, writes Baskaran. Based on four decades of research and observation, the author concludes that there are just 25 indigenous Indian dog breeds found today. The reasons for this decline are vast and complex. During the colonial period, British rulers settling into India for the long haul often imported dogs from back home. The arrival of foreign breeds resulted in cross-breeding and there was little government interest in preserving indigenous breeds and trying to keep their gene pool intact. The few Indian rajas who did have dogs as pets were more drawn to foreign breeds. The only attempts to protect Indian breeds were made by British dog enthusiasts, who had taken a particularly fancy to our indigenous dogs, especially those found in the Himalayas.

Working like a dog

The Bhakarwal is often used as a guard dog by the shepherd and goat-herding tribes of Gujjars and Bhakarwals. The Bhakarwal faces a peculiar problemits popularity is one of the reasons for its decline. A 2009 survey by the Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation in Kashmir found that there were only a few hundred of these species left. This is partly because these furry and majestic dogs are sought after in the cities, so the males fetch a good price and the females are left behind in the native areas with a limited choice of mates.
Another Indian working dogwhich could give the St Bernard serious competition in size (and cuteness) is the Himalayan mastiff. Its bravery is stuff of legendit is reputed to give a tough fight to leopards, wolves, and horses while guarding a shepherd’s flock. According to Baskaran, this dog is sluggish by day and comes into its element at night, so prospective owners prefer to pick a pup after dark. Another working dog of the mountains is the Himalayan sheepdog, found in Ladakh and Nepal, which is also known as Bhotia or Bhote kukur.
Breeds from the plains have very short and fine coats to cope with the perilous heat. The Jonangi, for instance, found in Andhra Pradesh, has a coat so sparse that the skin is visible through it, writes Baskaran, describing it as one of the “pristine indigenous breeds”.
Other working dogs which Baskaran mentions include the Kombai, which originated in Madurai; Pandikona, which purportedly dates back to the Vijaynagar Empire and is now found in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh; and Patti, which is often used as a farmhand in Tamil Nadu.

Last legs

It is tragic that India’s beautiful and agile breeds and their fascinating histories have been allowed to peter out over the decades. Even among the few varieties left, there are disagreements among experts and breeders about whether some of these qualify as distinct breeds. Significantly, none of them are internationally recognised.
A dog lover for whom pedigree is irrelevant may wonder why this nomenclature is important. But, as Baskaran argues, an official stamp from an organisation like the Federation Cynologique Internationale in Belgiumwhich presently recognises a little over 300 breeds across the worldis highly sought after and will give a big boost to conservation efforts.
Also essential, says Baskaran, is government involvement, which is currently next to nil. While the Kennel Club of India and individual breeders are doing their bit, these effortscurrently disparate and sporadicneed state support to be really effective. As Baskaran puts it, our unique breeds deserve nothing less. Without that, we could see a day in the near future when the number of Indian dog breeds is in single digits. That’s a sad way to treat our best friends.


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